Orange & Fennel Rack of Lamb



  • Rack of Lamb (or small roast) - 4 rib minimum

  • Orange -1

  • Onions - 3

  • Fennel Bulb - 3/4 bulb

  • Garlic Clove (or freeze dried powder equiv.) - 3 cloves

  • Fresh Thyme - 1bunch

  • Olive Oil - 1Tbs

  • Salt & Pepper to taste

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Chop the onions and fennel bulb into chunky quarters

Peel the garlic and chop in half or 3rds if they are larger

Place the onions, garlic and fennel into a baking dish. Render the top fat layer of the rack of lamb to your liking (I don’t always do this, depends on how much time I have and its delicious without too, maybe turn up the heat at the end for a couple of mins on a higher oven rack)

Place the rack of lamb on the bed of veggies. Drizzle everything with olive oil. Sprinkle your fresh thyme over everything. Take the juice squeezed from your orange and drizzle over the lamb and veggies. Salt & Pepper to tasteBake in the oven on 160 for 40 mins depending on your oven. You want the onions and fennel caramelised, the lamb lightly browned on the outside and pink in the middle (if thats how you like to eat it!)

Let the lamb rest for 5-10mins before slicing and serve over the bed of orange sweet caramelised onions, fennel and garlic.


This recipe says 2 for a 4 rack of lamb, but we usually have that for 2 adults and 2 kids and bulk up with some yummy sides.

Goes really well with green beans and sweet potato or pumpkin sides!

When I don’t have fresh organic garlic I use my amazing freeze dried garlic powder that adds a whole other dimension to this dish!


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