Apple & Carrot Breakie Crunch



  • Apples - 3

  • Carrots - 3-4 depending on size

  • Blueberries (fresh or frozen) - 1/2 cup

  • Lemon - 1

  • Fresh ginger - 1 chunk

  • Cinnamon -1 tsp

  • Butter or Ghee -1 Tbs

  • Toppings Any combination of chopped nuts & seeds

  • Yogurt or Quark -1 Dollop



Preheat the oven to 160

Chop the apples into small chunks (half a thumb) or however you like and pop into a baking dish.

Sprinkle with cinnamon, add a couple of chunks of butter or gheeSqueeze over the juice of half a lemon. Place in the oven for 30mins. Grate the carrot & ginger. At 30mins (when the apples are soft) take out of the oven and mix through the carrot, ginger and blueberries if they are frozen.

Add remaining cinnamon and butter/ghee, squirt through a bit more lemon juice.Bake for a further 5-10mins depending on how you like your consistency (I prefer 5mins for a more raw dish)Take out of the oven and dish up into a bowl.

Top with a dollop of yogurt, chopped nuts, seeds and coconut and a squirt of lemon


I top this with a dollop of goats yogurt or quark, a squirt of lemon or some zest of I have time!

I usually use whatever nuts and seeds I have in the cupboard, chop them and add to a jar so I can just scoop on top during the week.

This is a great breakie to have on hand for the week when you need to run out the door. It usually lasts me the 5 days and I have my jar of chopped nuts and seeds to sprinkle on top.


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