Start your journey to a healthier, more energised you (18).png
Start your journey to a healthier, more energised you (5).png

Hi Guys,

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I fundamentally understand that health and nutrition is not as simple as saying to someone ‘lets just change everything about what you eat... and the way you eat.. And where you get your food from!!’. There are steps to any health journey - which depends on where you are starting from!

I get that everyone’s life circumstances are unique, and everyone's biology is different. What helps one person can harm another.

I also appreciate the complexity of our modern lives after trying to juggle 20 years working in high intensity financial environments with kids, family, travel and clients. My health took a backseat for too long. 

I have had to rely upon convenience in our modern world! But as I moved through life I started experiencing the impact that the stress and easier food choices had on my body and mind. And for me, not taking care of myself ended in complete burnout. 

When I wanted to open the lid on what I was eating and how this might be contributing to how I was feeling, reliable information was hard to find. And then when I found it, it was completely overwhelming or impractical!! 

I want to help you with that. Whether you want to make food changes because of your overall health, energy, mood, life changes, family, career, the environment, or because you feel completely uncomfortable in your own skin,  I can support you.

My aim is to meet you where you are, and get you to where you want to go, backing you on your food journey with a nourishing and practical approach, switch by switch.

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Where is Emily now?

After 14 years living in London and almost 2 decades working in financial investment firms, a growing passion for food as medicine and a need for an environmental change that nurtured both mental and physical health personally and for her family, Emily returned home to the south coast of Victoria, Australia. Arriving with her English husband Lee and their 2 young children Louie and Mya, Emily has continued her career change into nutrition and is currently completing a bachelors of Clinical Nutrition. Living close to Torquay beach Emily is happiest in the water or on the sand, and with her family and friends loving real food, together. At home, Emily's dream of an entire backyard market garden may be further off than she first realised! (decades of city living can really hide the realities of the seasons!) but with growing seasonal understanding, a passion for learning and help from Lee and the kids, their 5 raised beds and pots mini garden are coming along nicely.


Emily's personal journey into food transparency began at a health turning point back in 2011, driven by her own stress and anxiety, the desire for a family, and some serious health issues related to some of her closest people. She has been helping clients understand the broader picture of the helpful and the harmful in our food, and its impact on how we feel and behave since 2017. Seeing the nourishing power real food has had on herself, her family and her clients, combined with further studies and the frustration she felt around food transparency during her family's own health journeys, Emily has been driven to launch Start Organic Health to close this gap. She is dedicated to helping people make that start! - so often it’s so hard! - and dive into the overwhelming process of discovering what's in their food and how to make improved, lasting and nourishing health changes.

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