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We’ve broken down the Start Organic Health programme into 8 easy-to-follow online modules designed to gradually teach you the knowledge you’ll need to apply healthy food decisions in real life. You’ll learn at your own pace, in your own home, around your own lifestyle.


What is garbology?

Uncover the garbology cons that have become everyday foods and their connection to how we feel. Dive into how we got here, and the cost of garbology on our bodies, minds, the earth, society and our wallet.


How does it affect you?

Your body is talking to you. Discover how garbology affects your body, mind, behaviour, emotions and mood while understanding cravings and connecting to how you feel.


Locating garbology

So how do you find garbology? Learn how to read food labels, identify hidden toxic food stressors, avoid harmful choices, and why we all need to be our own food detective.


Removing garbology

Find out how to replace unhealthy food stressors with upgraded alternatives at your own speed - one food switch at a time, without the judgement or overwhelm.


Identifying real food

What is real food and how does nature's medicine help our bodies and minds? Learn to cut through the 'food fleecing' and 'organic washing' and how it doesn’t have to be complex.

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How real food affects you

Build insight into the secrets of our digestive system, moods and cycles. Discover how energy, burnout, brain fog, mental health and so many other conditions are connected, how real food affects them and builds long lasting health.


Where to find the magic

Uncover where the nutrients are located, why we need to be aware, what the recommendations are and how to incorporate them into your life. We focus on practical knowledge around soil, seasonality, entertaining and food prep so that nutritional content is maximised in your everyday food choices.


Real life/real support

Dive into more than food by looking at how eating habits affect health, real food and longevity, mindful eating and the link between real food, love and happiness. You'll also get access to a bunch of resources aimed to help you in the real world!

Bonus Modules - These topics intricately linked to food so we couldn't leave them out!

B1 - Sleep

Like food, sleep is linked to everything! As anyone who's pulled a work or party all-nighter, or has had a baby will know, there is a reason lack of sleep is used as a torture device!

Discover the link between food, sleep, cognition and health, uncovering how circadian rhythms, food adjustments and sleep hygiene have the potential to change your life!

B2 - Inside out Beauty

Health starts on the inside but shows on the outside. We all want to feel great in our own skin! Discover that what you eat and don't eat can affect not only how you feel, but how you look.


How to start your online programme

The Start Organic Health 8-week online programme has been designed to fit around your busy lifestyle.

1. Book a discovery call with Emily to make sure the online programme is right for you, and go over any questions you might have, OR

2. If you're ready for the programme and excited to get going, head straight to our Buy Now page (link)

3. Once payment is complete you will get an introductory email access to our membership site

4. Each week we’ll open a new learning module which includes 8 lessons designed to build your knowledge and confidence around food transparency and healthy food choices

5. In the final week, you will get access to module 8, but also 2 bonus modules

To help you get the most out of your experience the membership site will also include a variety of helpful printouts, guides, external resources and recipes with each module.

To get started, sign up at the link below for a chat with Emily, or head straight to the Buy Now page to get started!

You don’t need to feel stressed, exhausted and uncomfortable in your own skin. Start your journey to food transparency today.


Emily understands that everyone is at a different stage in their journey. Whether you are just starting out or you have been at it a while, she will be able to help you.

In addition to the 8-week online programme, Emily provides bespoke 1:1 sessions

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Emily offers an individualised 1:1 programme of 8 sessions, usually over 16 weeks.

Whether you are looking for extra support during your 8-week online course or are looking for food transparency support individualised to your lifestyle, Emily will be able to help.

The bespoke programme is designed around your health or food goals, whatever they may be, starting from where you are and supporting you to where you want to go.

While the principles of the online course are also explored, it is an approach tailored to you and your lifestyle. It can include an element of 'done for you' when it comes to switching food and recipes based on your preferences, as well as where to buy your upgraded food choices and recommended brands . It may also focus on support around the connection to food, habit change, sleep, burnout, food preparation, seasonality and so much more, depending on your goals.

All sessions are virtual.

If you would like to work with Emily, get in touch to discuss your options!

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