Sweet Potato & Avocado Choccie Treats



  • Sweet Potato - 1.5

  • Avacado- 0.5

  • Buckwheat Flour -1cup

  • Tapioca Flour - 0.25 cup

  • Eggs - 4

  • Cinnamon -1Tbsp

  • Coconut Oil - 0.25 cups

  • Honey - 0.25 cups

  • Cacoa - 0.5 cups

  • Bicarb -1t sp

  • Salt - 0.5 tsp



Oven bake the sweet potatoes in their skins until soft all the way through. For medium size, my oven does 50mins on 180 degrees. You might need a little longer with larger sweet potatoes. Prick them half way through to avoid sweet potato explosions!

Add all the dry ingredients to a bowl

Beat the eggs and add the avacado, honey, and coconut oil if cooled (otherwise if still warm add at the end to avoid it cooking the eggs!)

When cooled, slice the sweet potatoes down the middle and scoop out into the eggs

Mix the wet ingredients with a mixer or by hand. If you are doing by hand then mash the sweet potato and avo first to get rid of lumps.

Mix in the dry ingredients, mix until smoothSpoon mixture into donut trays or muffin trays

Bake the donuts for 16-18mins on 180 degrees.Bake the muffins for a few mins longer, depending on size.

Leave to cool on a wire rack

Top with your choice of toppings, or leave naked if you prefer!


These are so delicious that I usually leave them plain, but sometimes for a treat

I melt some dark chocolate with a dollop of butter and bit of honey,

then dip the cooled donuts into the mix and leave them on a plate for the kids to sprinkle their fav nuts and seeds onto the wet chocolate.

For the muffins, I usually leave naked!


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