Start your journey to a healthier, more energised you (36).png

Start your journey to a healthier, more energised you (3).png

My mission is to create a company that provides transparency around food and nourishment, both the helpful and the harmful.

No matter what your food choices are, no matter what you like to eat or the reasons behind why you make those choices, you have the right to know what is in your food, and what is going into your body.

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I believe we need food transparency because food is no longer straightforward. And neither is the way we live.

Our intricate lives are commonly driven by excessive demands from work, the day-to-day pressures of family, financial and health concerns. This environment can make it easy to lose touch with how food makes us feel. 

Both the great food feels and the gross food feels. Not to mention where our food comes from, how it's made and what’s in it! 

Unfortunately, the everyday foods we often rely upon for fuel and nourishment may be the very things contributing to low mood, exhaustion, anxiety and stress. 

Uncovering both the harmful and the helpful in your food can be overwhelming, but I believe when you have the knowledge and the support, incremental steps and a simple switch by switch approach can have a powerful impact on how you feel, in both your body and your mind.


Food is linked to everything and making change is hard! 

We understand that diving into what's in your food and taking charge of your health can be overwhelming. Not to mention time consuming!

My aim is to meet you where you are, and get you to where you want to go, backing you on your food journey with a nourishing and practical approach, switch by switch.

Click below to read Emily’s full letter to those wishing to start this journey with her.

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These courses are for you if:

  • You’re worried about what's in the everyday foods you’re eating

  • You want to improve your energy and mood

  • You want to make healthy food changes but are confused by conflicting information and you’re not sure where to start

  • You want to make healthy food changes but don’t have time for a complete life, cooking and food shopping overhaul!

  • You would like to upgrade to a more nutritious diet but need support around which switches to make

  • You would like to understand how food may help you think clearer and perform better

  • You want to be aware of the helpful and the harmful in food so you can make impactful switches 

  • You’re interested in understanding more about, or switching to a more organic food approach

  • You’re interested in eating seasonally 

  • You’re concerned about the impact food has on the planet

  • You would like someone to provide support on your individual health journey

  • You want to discover how to select and prepare food for maximum nutritional benefit and minimum toxic food load, or

  • You just want to feel better in your own skin!

We can support you on your journey.

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The Start Organic Health

courses can help you...


Identify toxic food stressors

Discover where toxic food stressors, what we call 'garbology', are hiding in your diet, their link to low energy, mood, & feeling uncomfortable in your own skin'


Nourish yourself

Nutrients are nature's magical powerhouses! Discover where to find them and maximise their impact, igniting your body and mind to feel energised and perform better.


Empower self-health

'Gain the knowledge and the support to not only achieve your health goals, but the tools and community to continue on your unique food journey, out in the real world.

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What People Are Saying

“For me, understanding what I was putting into my body was really important. I felt I couldn’t ‘trust’ food labels and Emily helped me to really understand what she calls ‘The Big Fleece’ and the key things to look for when buying food for myself and for my kids. I am feeling so much more aware of what is going into our bodies and why.

I felt very overwhelmed before working with Emily but we have made changes step by step and that has really helped me to change and maintain those food changes.”

Emma - London, UK

“Emily really listened to what our needs were as a family; we wanted small but significant changes that would work with our busy lifestyle.

She understood that we needed meals and snacks that would be not only more nutritious, but convenient. Things I could eat on the way to work and quick, healthy meals that I could put together for the kids after a busy day. My picky kids love the new changes we have made and frequently request the new meals and snacks that Emily put together for us.

Rebecca - Sydney, Australia

“I connected with Emily when I needed to understand which foods would benefit me most and when, seasonally, I could be using them. She has been a great help to me understanding which foods work for me personally.

The best part of working with Emily, she doesn’t advocate these fad ideas and there is never any judgement. If you are looking to keep certain foods in your diet she will discuss, recommend and accommodate those requests.I would work with her anytime!”

Kate - Sydney, Australia

“I used to think I knew what healthy eating looked like because I ate a balanced diet and didn’t eat fast food. However, that wasn’t the case. Since working with Emily my mind has been opened to just how misleading labels and product information can be.

The foods that I thought were ‘healthy’ were actually packed full of hidden toxins and additives.

I now feel confident in my food choices and my family absolutely love trying out the Start Organic Health recipes!”

Elle - London, UK

“Prior to working with Emily, I came from a restrictive diet background. I was always focussing on healthy food, however, I struggled to navigate packaging labels as they can be quite overwhelming and confusing. Emily has helped me gain a much deeper understanding of reading labels. Emily has helped me gain a greater understanding of what is in our food and how it’s made and how certain foods can impact our bodies. As someone who suffers with anxiety, Emily has introduced food into my diet that help with my mood and energy. She has taught me techniques on how to be mindful of the food I’m eating and become more in tune to what my body is actually craving.”

Tori - Sydney, Australia

“When I fist met Emily I was aware of the problems around ingredients being used in food and other everyday products, but I didn’t know where to start. I really wanted to change the products that we bought and Emily made it all very easy to understand and over time I learned how to recognise the good the bad and the ugly in all the products I was buying. Today I feel so good knowing that I am getting the best I can for my family.

There is still so much to learn and I can’t wait to continue my journey with Emily.”

Tracey - Geelong, Australia

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  • Spring.

    The months of September, October and November mark Spring in Australia. Find out the latest foods, recipes and nutrients as we start to warm up.

  • Summer.

    The months of December, January and February mark summer for us in Australia. Find out the latest foods, recipes and nutrients in the hotter months.

  • Autumn.

    The months of March, April and May mark autumn for us in Australia. Find out the latest foods, recipes and nutrients as things start to cool down.

  • Winter.

    The months of June, July and August mark winter for us in Australia. Find out the latest foods, recipes and nutrients in the colder months.